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An official website of the United States government
Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program

ASA24® Sample Analysis Files and Data Dictionaries


The ASA24 system generates several analysis output files. The Researcher Instructions have more detailed information about these files and how to download them from the researcher website.

Downloadable Examples of ASA24 Analysis Files and Data Dictionaries

The following files describe each output from several versions of the ASA24 tool.

Description of File Types

The following describes the analytic output files generated by the noted ASA24 versions.

Version Analysis File Content Description
ASA24-2024, ASA24-2022, ASA24-2020, ASA24-2018, ASA24-2016 (all versions) Responses Data by respondent, by day, providing probe questions and answers
Items Data by food and beverage item, providing food codes, gram weights, and nutrient and food group values
Totals Data by respondent, by day, providing total nutrient and food group values for foods and beverages
INS Data by supplement, providing supplement codes, gram weights, and nutrient values
TS Data by respondent, by day, providing total nutrient values for supplements
TNS Data by respondent, by day, providing total nutrient and food group values for foods, beverages, and supplements combined, responses to Sleep module (Note: this optional module is only available for ASA24-2020 version and later and must be turned on during the creation of new studies.)

Version Analysis File Content Description
ASA24-2014 (all versions), ASA24-Kids2012, ASA24-2011 MS Data by respondent, by day, providing probe questions and answers
INF Data by food and beverage item, providing food codes, gram weights, and nutrient values
TN Data by respondent, by day, providing total nutrient values for foods and beverages
INFMYPHEI Data by food and beverage item, providing food codes, gram weights, and food group values
TNMYPHEI Data by respondent, by day, providing total food group values for foods and beverages
INS Data by supplement, providing supplement codes, gram weights, and nutrient values
TS Data by respondent, by day, providing total nutrient values for supplements
TNS Data by respondent, by day, providing total nutrient values for foods, beverages, and supplements combined

See also the Researcher Instruction Guide for more information about data output. More information is also available about reviewing and cleaning data and the nutrients and food groups available in ASA24 output files.

ASA24 is a registered trademark of HHS.