Physician Survey on Cancer Susceptibility Testing

Note: This is a completed initiative.

The Physician Survey on Cancer Susceptibility Testing was designed to assess physicians' use and knowledge of, and attitudes toward, genetic tests for inherited mutations that are associated with increased cancer risk. The survey was conducted from September, 1999 to March, 2000 and included a nationally representative sample of 1,251 physicians in primary care practices and in specialties involving management of patients with cancer or at high cancer risk. The survey collected data on the use of genetic tests and about physician characteristics associated with use of tests, including practice arrangement, personal and family history of cancer, race/ethnicity, and patterns of care factors.

Survey Instruments

Please acknowledge the National Cancer Institute Physician Survey on Cancer Susceptibility Testing if you use questions from this survey in your research.

View or download the survey instrument (PDF, 277 KB)

Last Updated: 19 Apr, 2024